Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Why Donald Trump is So Feared and Why He is Winning

In the short time since Trump declared his candidacy, he has performed a public service by exposing, however crudely and at times inadvertently, the posturing of both the Republicans and the Democrats and the foolishness and obsolescence of much of the political culture they share. He is, as many say, making a mockery of the entire political process with his bull-in-a-china-shop antics. But the mockery in this case may be overdue, highly warranted, and ultimately a spur to reform rather than the crime against civic order that has scandalized those who see him as "an existential threat to Democracy." 
- Frank Rich, New York Magazine, 9/20/2015  

In short this is the secret to Trump's rise to the top of the political world. How can someone that acts, at times, borderline child-like be the Nominee of a Major Party? Did the Country suddenly go insane over the course of four years? The short answer is no. The reason for Trump's popularity is that sometimes to be awakened, a shock to the system is needed. The bought-and-paid-for politicians of old, with their emotionless answers and politically correct mindset, have been around for so long that even when their points are genuine and needed, Ron Paul comes to mind, their points are often ignored if they aren't mainstream. Enter Donald J. Trump. Here is a person that has always been in the Public light, has already achieved power and, for all intents and purposes, achieved everything that an Entrepreneur can achieve in the realm of the Free Market. The Trump brand is known world-wide. He is as mainstream as it gets. So when someone so Mainstream points out the rigged system, shows that he is willing to fund his own campaign and has policy positions that are Nationalist in nature while at the same time pointing out how all of the policy positions of BOTH Political Parties have been vehemently anti-American for nearly 30 years; then it gets peoples' attention. Combine these political positions with Trump's ability to demonstrate Charisma on Command at both his rallies as well as on the debate stage with his understanding of Media Coverage and how to manipulate that coverage to his advantage, and you have a cultural phenomenon in politics the likes of which hasn't been seen since Ronald Reagan.

The question now becomes: why is Trump so hated by both the Establishment Political and Intellectual Elites as well as the Mainstream Media? Some of it is of course his own antics to be sure. But perhaps more than anything, their hatred can best be explained by the existential threat a Trump Presidency poses to the World Paradigm and Control Grid they've been able to maintain for nearly 30 years. Since Reagan left office in 1988, there has been an ever increasing move by the Political, Intellectual, and Media Elites towards multi-culturalism, self-esteem, and the promotion of One-World Governance. It was Reagan's successor George H.W. Bush that said in his famous State of the Union address:
What is at stake is more than one small country. It is a big idea: A New World Order. Where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind. Peace and Security, Freedom and the Rule of Law. Such is a world worthy of our struggle and worthy of our children's future.
            - 1991 State of the Union Address by President George H.W. Bush

This idea of a One-World Utopia had been popular amongst the Political and Financial Elite for centuries dating back to the time of Mayer Amschel Rothschild. Prior to this address, the ideas of a One-World Government were most fervently pushed at the Treaty of Versailles as well as at the initial formation of the United Nations following the end of the Second World War. It is no mere coincidence that more and more authority as well as influence has been granted to international commissions like the United Nations in the times since George Bush the First gave this famous address. The ideals of Global Governance while accordingly de-valuing the importance of American exceptionalism has never been more stream-lined in the arenas of politics, academia and media than during the last 8 years of the Presidency of one Barack Hussein Obama.

There has been a concentrated effort by the Obama Administration to fundamentally move the United States away from its roots of individualism and economic freedom and more towards a more Collectivist notion of group-think and Government-run economic central planning. This can best be illustrated in the sectors of banking, manufacturing and healthcare. Since Obama took office, there has been a concerted effort to double down on the Inflationary policies of Keynesian stimulus as well as the promotion of a Government take-over of major manufacturing sectors (The Auto-Bailouts) and most major Healthcare functions and industries (ObamaCare). Through cleverly veiled rhetoric, the Administration has led the way towards promoting to the people that these actions are in the public's best interest. However, the economic realities of such policies could not be further from the truth. Over-reliance on Keynesian policies of money-printing (QE) has led to a sharply rising standard in the cost-of-living in addition to a total and complete destruction of any incentive by Americans or businesses to save and invest; instead creating an economic environment totally dependent on consumption. Couple these policies with Government take-overs of most major manufacturing industries and it results in a far less efficient market for these jobs due to crippling regulation and over-zealous bureaucracy, if the companies in these industries even survive the takeover at all. The worst part about the inflationary policy of the Federal Reserve during the Obama Administration is that while the bubble is kept afloat by these policies, it has also continued to perpetuate the income inequality that Obama and those of his ilk so vehemently despise. For those that fail to understand how inflation effects economic progress and the income gap then allow me to break it down.

Each time money is printed by the Federal Reserve, debt on that newly printed fiat currency is also created. By the very nature of money printing, the very first people to receive this new money are Central Bankers who are amongst the wealthiest, and it could easily be argued are THE wealthiest, of all professions. These bankers are then able to purchase products and services at lower prices than the average consumer. By the time these bankers have loaned this newly created wealth to business owners, churches, community groups, etc. and the average people are paid their paychecks or are given their handouts, the effect of inflation has taken place within the market and the prices all of us pay are higher for the same goods these bankers purchased at a lower price. So in a sense, the reason Central Bankers are worth so much more money than everyone else has nothing to do with the service they are providing being worth more within the marketplace but has everything to do with the fact that they can receive the same goods and services you and I do at a significantly lower cost. This money manipulation cycle has been made possible because these bankers and their friends within the Financial and Financier Elite have been able to buy off the politicians that write the regulations and policies for these industries. Big business and big banking, particularly Hedge Funds, love massive regulation because they have the capital to afford large legal teams that can successfully navigate those regulations. If only you or I were so fortunate.

Finally, the takeover of the Healthcare industry on the part of the Obama administration is perhaps the fundamental principle of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Creating a Socialist State. Over and over, the Obama Administration insisted that the intention of the ObamaCare legislation was not to promote a Single-Payer System that is perpetually a part of all Socialized Medicine. However, one need only look at the contents of the Legislation to see that the various taxes, penalties and restrictions placed on employers in regards to requirements for providing Health coverage were thoroughly placed within the Legislation with the goal of incentivizing the population to accept that it needed a Single-Payer-System.

With the Federal Government over-reaching its limits of Constitutionally-granted power as well as the push of its members towards One-World Governance, then the rise of a Nationalist former Entrepreneur as a Presidential Candidate, like a Donald Trump, should have been no surprise as it is practically Newtonian:
For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction. 
- Isaac Newton, Newton's Third Law of Motion   

1 comment:

  1. Spot on analysis. Very well thought out, as well as nicely structured. Nice job
